Your privacy and that of your maternity assistant
Registering your details
Kraamzorg VDA needs your details to make sure you have a wonderful maternity week. However, our employees always observe the law regarding your personal information. A new law is to be introduced on 25 May 2018: the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This law gives you the right to know which details are registered and why they are registered. Once we have your permission, we will record the details we need to help provide good maternity care. In some cases, to provide that care, a Kraamzorg VDA employee may need to consult another care provider involved in your situation but our employee may only do that if you have given your permission beforehand.
Our duty of confidentiality
The Kraamzorg VDA employees you speak to during your maternity period keep, and update, your details in a file. Our employees are bound not to disclose any information (this is called the “duty of confidentiality”). Nonetheless, a colleague might need to check your file, but she will only do so if that contributes to good maternity care for you.
Your right of inspection
You are entitled to check all the information that is recorded in your file. If you believe that the file contains incorrect information, you have the right to have that information changed. You also have the right to have that information removed unless the removal is in breach of the statutory retention periods.
Kraamzorg VDA records our clients’ details so that we can provide the best possible maternity care. In addition, we use that information to justify our spending to the insurance companies. We collect the information, anonymise it and deliver it to the insurance companies. Anonymised information means that the details cannot be traced back to specific people. This is explained in our Terms of Delivery too.
We store your details very carefully and for the statutory periods, after which we destroy that information. We keep your medical details for 15 years, as prescribed by Section 7:454 of the Dutch Civil Code. We also keep all the other information about you (personal details) for 15 years after we have registered it.
Privacy Regulations
The privacy regulations contain both your rights and duties and those of Kraamzorg VDA. We will send you the privacy regulations on request. Please send an email to saying that you would like to read the privacy regulations.
The privacy of our maternity assistants
While we take care to ensure your privacy, we ask that you consider our employees’ privacy too. For example, if you want to post a photograph on Internet/social media which shows one of our employees, please ask her personal permission first.
This privacy statement was most recently updated on 29 March 2018.
Costs maternity care
The costs of maternity care and birth assistance are covered by basic health insurance. It is a part of everybody’s insurance package in the Netherlands. Thusly the costs of maternity care are paid for by your health insurance. However there is a statutory personal contribution which must be paid, of €4,60 (rates per 1-1-2021) per hour of maternity care. These excess costs for maternity care are the same for all maternity organisations, as they are determined nationwide.
Supplementary insurance
Many supplementary insurances compensate the policy excess, often also compensating for other products and services, like for example expert breastfeeding advice. We therefore advise you to read your insurance policy concerning maternity care costs. For questions pertaining to your insurance coverage, you should call your health insurance company.
Costs of childbirth in a hospital
If you have decided to give birth in hospital as opposed to at home without a medical reason then you will be charged for your hospital admittance (in dutch termed a “poliklinische bevalling”). These costs will be charged to you by the hospital. You may or may not be insured for these costs depending on your health insurance company and your supplementary insurance package. The costs for childbirth with a medical reason will always be paid for by the health insurance.
Privately purchasing extra maternity care
Would you appreciate extra hours of maternity care without a medical indication? Then you may purchase extra hours of maternity care against a nationally set standard fee as determined by the NZA. If you would like more information on this subject feel free to contact us for extra information.
The travel costs of the maternity assistants are included. Rate adjustments reserved.
You will receive an invoice after completion of the maternity care. This invoice must be paid within 14 days.